Thursday, July 21, 2011

Climate Common Sense: Labor Heavy Predicts Carbon Calamity!
In a most embarrassing turn for the Gillard government , Morris Iemma , former Premier of NSW and prominent Labor identity says the only thing the carbon tax will change is the Government. He is voicing the concerns of many MP's who can't oppose the move and his statement may well be made on their behalf. He says that Labor is fighting this battle on Green's turf instead of their own. This follows independent Tony Windsor's view that Gillard would lose the next election.
The battle over sea level in JCR | Watts Up With That?
The important conclusion of our study is not that the data sets we analyze display small sea-level decelerations, but that accelerations, whether negative or positive (we reference studies that found small positive accelerations), are quite small. To reach the multimeter levels projected for 2100 by RV requires large positive accelerations that are one to two orders of magnitude greater than those yet observed in sea-level data.
The Climate Sceptics (TCS) Blog: Selling the Carbon Tax in Never land.
Bemused citizens, constantly regaled by experts on the climate and told that it is beyond their ken must now be astonished at this new ineluctable puzzle. Coal, the source of the planet-slaying CO2, will be subject to a tax designed to get rid of it but at the same time coal and its workers will have a bright future.
Has there ever been a time when the disconnect between the political message, its recipients and logic has been greater?
BBC, Prof Steve Jones and the push for censorship « Autonomous Mind
The public has been becoming increasingly sceptical of the AGW industry’s claims. As such many people suggested the AGW crowd would become increasingly desperate as their unsubstantiated claims fall apart and therefore would attempt to seize for themselves control of the coverage of the subject. Professor Steve Jones is the man the BBC turned to in order to advance that aim. He has served his purpose. And has done so at our expense. The BBC. It’s what they do.

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