Thursday, July 21, 2011

Climate hoax promoter Lawrence Bender: "People here in Hollywood love Al Gore"

Lawrence Bender, Producer of An Inconvenient Truth (Podcast) : TreeHugger
When An Inconvenient Truth came out, it became very clear to everybody that the science was real, that the climate crisis is happening and that we, mankind, are greatly exacerbating it.

At one point we held a private screening of An Inconvenient Truth for the Republican congressional science staffers and had a meeting with some of them. They had found nothing wrong with the movie. If anyone was going to find something wrong with the movie, you'd think it would be the "opposing side". And they found nothing factually incorrect. But yet, here we have massive disinformation coming around.
It was one of these amazing moments that makes the hair go up on the back of your neck. And of course [Melissa Etheridge] wrote this beautiful song and won the Academy Award. And that song helped to make a big difference.
TreeHugger: Do you consider yourself an activist first or a documentarian first? Or how do you prioritize those roles?

Lawrence Bender: Definitely an activist first. I'm obviously a filmmaker, I love making movies. I don't really consider myself a documentarian
TH: Are people in Hollywood still interested in climate change the way they were around the time when the film came out? Or is this something that's trailed off a bit?

Bender: Well I think it trailed off a little bit. But there are many, many people here who spend a lot of their time on it..... People here in Hollywood love Al Gore. But yes, as time goes on and other things come into your life...
But then I went back to making movies. First I went and did Inglourious Basterds. I was in Germany for seven months. It was very hard to concentrate on climate change as I was making a movie with Quentin.

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