Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Even U.N. Admits That Going Green Will Cost $76 Trillion -
Eighteen months later, the price of our “one last chance to save the world” has increased $13 trillion – and that’s just over the next decade.
Why Insurance Companies Hype Climate Change
Environmental extremists dismiss virtually all science that is skeptical of catastrophic climate change as being “industry funded,” so it is interesting that they are quick to embrace “evidence” produced by insurance companies, for which there is a clear profit motive at stake. After all, insurance is the business of pricing risk. Swiss Re and Munich Re therefore have an incentive to incorporate into their assessments an allegedly significant, yet amorphous, source of risk like global warming. By doing so, they can jack up premiums and make a mint.
E.P.A. Chief Ready To Unveil Sweeping New Regulations - By Charlie Cooke - Planet Gore - National Review Online
It is, of course, obvious to everyone that what the U.S. economy needs right now is a host of new regulations passed extra-legislatively by an unelected zealot. In the article, “Ms. Jackson describes the job as draining.” This is presumably a contraction of, ”Ms. Jackson describes the job as draining what little life there is left in the American economy.”
Philadelphia Attorney to Speak on Climate Change at American Chemical Society National Meeting |
William F. Stewart, a partner at Nelson Levine de Luca & Horst, will be a featured speaker on climate change related issues at the American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition in August.

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