Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Kingdom Of Darkness | The Resilient Earth
So how are we having “global warming” when on the west coast and across the pond they are having the coolest weather in a decade? The simple answer is, we are not. Of course, this is where the climate experts tell us that local conditions vary and one cool month or year (or decade) does not a trend make. They are right about that, and also right to correct those who point to a cold and snowy winter as not evidence disproving global warming. But notice how they do not contradict the airhead media when they start chanting “global warming” as the mercury rises.

The hand of global warming at work? No, it's just this thing called weather.
Record Snow Around The World | Real Science
Three of the four snowiest winters in the Northern Hemisphere have occurred since 2008.
Airlines Should Resist Bowing to Big Government
Recently in Reuters, Peter Goldmark vilified U.S. airlines for hiring lobbyists to fight EU emissions regulations. He argued that airlines should willingly accept the new rules because they’re “modest” and compliance is “flexible.”

This is nonsense. Bowing to government threats and regulations is an open-door for more.
3.5 Million Climate Refugees Will Flee To Antarctica | Real Science
Climate change will force refugees to move to Antarctica by 2030, researchers have predicted.

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