Thursday, July 28, 2011

1871 : Chicago Destroyed By Fire In A “Perfect Gale” | Real Science
Many other cities around Lake Michigan burned to the ground that day, as well as hundreds of thousands of acres of forest and grassland.

While we can’t blame this particular fire on very low CO2, experts tell us that increased CO2 makes these events occur more frequently.
Richard Muller On NPR On April 11 2011 – My Comments | Climate Science: Roger Pielke Sr.
Clearly he is also not showing “discordont data” and “data that disageees with” him. I invite him to engage in constructive interactions with those of us in the climate community who have been examining a range of unresolved issues with the multi-decadal land surface temperature analyses.
In defence of the IPCC: critics ignore the real scandal | Damian Carrington | Environment |
Given much of the recent reporting of the IPCC's work, you'd be forgiven for thinking it's a tinpot group of green zealots, rather than the greatest feat of global scientific cooperation ever seen. Its reports are approved and endorsed by every nation on the planet, making it utterly unique and authoritative.
1. The summary for policy makers (SPM) was released before the full report for the very same reason that gives the IPCC its unique clout. The SPM is discussed and then approved by all 194 countries, which means some changes are made to the draft. Those changes need to then be woven back into the full report, 1000 pages in this case. That takes time, but the SPM is already widely available. Suppressing the SPM until the revisions to the full report are made is simply impossible.
The real IPCC scandal is altogether different. For a body of such unique global importance, its secretariat is scandalously tiny - just 12 staff. Not so long ago it was half that number. Its annual budget is a mere few million dollars, with just a single communications professional. It's a miracle they get anything out.

How can this be? Ironically, it is once again for the same reason that gives the IPCC its unique authority. If you think getting 194 nations to agree on global warming, try getting 194 nations to agree on raising their subscription fees.

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