Wednesday, July 27, 2011

More from Greg "climate realists are intent on killing your grandchildren" Laden: Most other people are truly crazy

Global warming denialism? It ends now. : Greg Laden's Blog
The only ones left denying the science are crazy people. Truly.

This Sunday, Mike Haubrich and I will be joined on Atheist Talk Radio AM 950 by two scientists deeply involved with research related to global climate change, Kevin Zelnio and John Abraham.
John Abraham is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering (Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics) at St. Thomas University in St. Paul.
I'm assuming this will be the last time we'll be discussion global climate change with any reference to denialism. We need to get on with the work of addressing this crisis.
Flashback:  Why is Anthropogenic Global Warming Denialism Important? : Greg Laden's Blog
When you look upon a global warming denialist, you are not seeing a person who is deluded, wrong, misinformed, or misguided. You are seeing a person who is intent on killing your grandchildren.
Flashback:  THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Scientific American Poll: 81% think the IPCC is Corrupt, with Group-think & Political Agenda
'Scientific' American may regret taking their recent opinion poll on the state of climate science given the eye-opening results cast by their "scientifically literate" readership. With a total of 5190 respondents, a consensus of 81.3% think the IPCC is "a corrupt organization, prone to group-think, with a political agenda" and 75% think climate change is caused by solar variation or natural processes vs. 21% who think it is due to greenhouse gases from human activity. 65% think we should do nothing about climate change since "we are powerless to stop it," and the same percentage think science should stay out of politics. When asked, "How much would you be willing to pay to forestall the risk of catastrophic climate change?," 76.7% said "nothing."

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