Friday, July 22, 2011

Warmist Dave "Climate Nuremberg" Roberts: You know what's completely wonderful? When a super-rich guy ponies up enormous amounts of cash to influence public policy

Blockbuster news for the anti-coal movement: Bloomberg is all in | Grist
Fifty million f'ing dollars! I honestly don't think I've heard news this good since Mass. v EPA.

It's good for a couple of reasons.
Here's what the money will do for the campaign (according to a press release):

Increase the number of Sierra Club campaign states from 15 to 45
Increase the active member base from 1.4 million to 2.4 million people
Double the size of full-time Sierra Club staff working on the campaign from 100 to 200
More concisely: coal is the enemy of the human race.
I hope it serves as a cue to other rich people that this is the trendy thing to do now. Let's get an anti-coal telethon on network television. George Clooney will host, Beyonce will play, Michele Obama can chat with asthmatic kids, middle-aged men with heart disease, and pregnant women scared to eat fish. Are you listening, Bono? Call me.   [Where's the part about coal causing bad weather?]


Deadman said...

Quite right; if someone were to ask me what good could be done in the world—for, say, children dying of preventable diseases, or any other fixable problem—with fifty million smackers, I too would conclude that the money would be best spent on further demonising a trace gas, essential for life on earth, and on calumniating those industries which provide the power which enables our wonderfully advanced comforts.

Steve In Tulsa said...

AEP is closing four electricity plants this year. CPS is closing three in the enxt years. Luminant is closing three or four in the next year. There will be electricity shortages. Obama has guaranteed it. The luddites in this administration want us back in tents and caves without light, heat, or cooling. The EPA is forcing through what Obama could not pass through congress. Obama is just doing it anyway without a vote.