Monday, August 22, 2011

Bill Clinton's best friend: "I really don't care right now what you think about climate change"

What Is Terry McAuliffe Up To? - Fairfax City, VA Patch
...he's Bill Clinton's best friend
McAuliffe wants wind turbines off the coast of Virginia. "The General Assembly has a study in front of it that says it will create 10,000 jobs. We literally could light up 750,000 homes with wind. Out in Norfolk, we have the largest transmission port in the U.S. outside of New York City. This is not complicated. I really don't care right now what you think about climate change. That's not my point. I do believe things are happening to the earth, but even if you don't, think of alternative energy from a job-creation component. Where are you creating the blades, where are you making the turbines and the solar panels? It's the whole mix."

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