Tuesday, August 09, 2011

 Communist Party of Australia:  Carbon tax a capitalist con
Emission trading schemes encourage trading in carbon credits, derivatives and other forms of financial speculation, to the detriment of society, the economy and the environment. They are the neo-liberal takeover of the environmental agenda.
Science Under Attack, Tuesday, August 9
it's a credit to Nurse, and the filmmakers, that this succeeds as well as it does. Most science is complicated. Ordinary citizens simply have to trust the experts and accept the headlines or conclusions as true. As soon as most of us try to understand the detail, our eyes glaze over and steam starts coming out of our ears.
Twitter / @Revkin
@Indiantiger24 @GreenAdvantage Hansen doesn't hate renewables; he's simply recognizing deep limits of today's tech if goal is CO2 stability.
Audio: Al Gore screams about global-warming skeptics « Hot Air
maybe if he rants just loudly and long enough, with lots of personal derision towards those who question this scheme, the skeptics will start to see the light. No?

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