Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Federal auditors find no evidence to support 'Climategate' accusations — The Daily Climate
Mann, who is on sabbatical from Penn State, is spending half his year writing a book and the other half advising Environmental Health Sciences, publisher of the DailyClimate.org and EHN.org, on climate science.

He has no illusion that the latest findings will quash the debate over climate science.

"Climate change deniers continue to dredge up long-discredited talking points," he said. "This establishes that every credible body has found that there is no evidence at all for the allegations.

"It should be the final nail in the coffin," he added. "The only reason it won't be, if it isn't, is because climate change deniers are never willing to admit that they're wrong."
 Kyoto Protocol hangs by a thread - Communist Party of Australia
There is only one way forward. Collective, scientifically based, globally co-ordinated action.
Northeast Climate Change Emissions Market Threatened
Doubts are building about the survival of the only functioning US market for emissions that contribute to global warming.

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