Sunday, August 14, 2011

Former warmist and light-bulb banner Fred Upton: "I led the fight against Cap and Trade"

Upton taking his critics in stride -
Congressman Fred Upton has seen the light. And it's incandescent.

Upton, the St. Joseph Republican congressman representing Michigan's 6th District, was a leading advocate of a 2007 federal law to phase out the traditional incandescent light bulbs that go back to Thomas Edison's design and require energy-efficient options, like those curly fluorescent bulbs.

Now he seeks repeal of that law.
In a recent interview in his congressional office in Washington, Upton said those groups shouldn't have been surprised by his efforts as chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce to halt Environmental Protection Agency plans to regulate carbon emissions.

"I led the fight against Cap and Trade," said Upton, referring to the Obama administration plan to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
[Jan 2011] Fred Upton's Climate Changeup | Mother Jones
In the past, Upton—the incoming chair of the House energy and commerce committee—has advocated taking action on global warming. "I strongly believe that everything must be on the table as we seek to reduce carbon emissions," he once stated on his website. But that statement recently vanished from his site—along with, it seems, his concern about global warming...Less than two years ago he declared, "Climate change is a serious problem that necessitates serious solutions," and he praised a wind energy program back home in Michigan.
Flashback : Mystery Light-Bulb Banner
It was a bill sponsored by a California Democrat and a Republican from Michigan. Three guesses who the Republican was.

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