Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Get Ready for the Green Civil War - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
Get ready for the great environmental civil wars. So far the environmental community has been fighting industry, developers, utilities and other villainous purveyors of human stuff. But going forward its big battles might be with itself.
Huntsman Agrees With Climate Scientists | Real Science
Snow is a thing of the past. Himalayan glaciers gone by 2035. Manhattan soon to be drowned. Tree rings quit working in 1960. Arctic ice-free by 2008. It is all good science and only an anti-science idiot would disagree.
Berkeley’s Mueller Explains Why NSF And MANN Are FOS | Real Science
The NSF verdict on Mann shows just how corrupt the science establishment is.
- Bishop Hill blog - UNEP World Congress 2012
The United Nations Environment Programme is holding a congress next year. The object seems to be to have national legal systems work to the UN's agenda rather than the public's
Head slap: Coalition climate policy "racist" - Combet | Australian Climate Madness
The small facts that (a) the biggest carbon trading market, namely that in the EU, is mired in fraud and corruption, and (b) as part of the carbon tax package we will be sending billions of dollars to dodgy third world dictatorships to purchase “carbon credits” in order to meet hopelessly unattainable emissions reduction targets, seem to have somehow escaped him.

Face-palm. But I guess we should be pleased that Combet is so desperate he has descended to this level.
Are we on the verge of an eco-world war? | ScottishSceptic
At the heart of this UK groupthink is the Biased Broadcasting Company. It doesn’t question government policy in any meaningful way, instead it is a mouthpiece of the political elite (of all parties) seeking to re-enforce the view of the political elite (of which the BBC is part). Behind this groupthink culture is the academics who nurture this pro-science anti industry culture which the BBC feed off and by its endless propaganda supporting the consensus and endless vitriol against those who question their consensus, they have built a delusional groupthink culture in the UK which leads us down endless social and economic blind alleyways.

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