Tuesday, August 30, 2011

James Hansen arrested at tar-sands protest | Grist
[Video] Prominent NASA climate scientist James Hansen, a vocal proponent of climate change action who has long warned about the greenhouse gas effects of tar-sands development, has been arrested while protesting outside the White House. Hansen went down there intending to be arrested, and it worked! So good job, Jim. Hopefully your message gets through.
Andy Revkin (revkin) on Twitter
Whoever conceived name "Creating Climate Wealth" j.mp/climwealth may not have pondered how that might be used by foes of CO2 action.
Twitter / @Revkin: Photo by @NYGovCuomo of hi ...
Photo by @NYGovCuomo of his SUV motor-boating through Margaretville flood yesterday twitpic.com/6cmmly
On @TheAgenda tonight exploring need to define... - Revkin.net
On @TheAgenda tonight exploring need to define terms when discussing “climate change,” given how many meanings people bring to that term.
Why three lion cubs died at Karachi Zoo and other tales of incompetence – The Express Tribune
Many of the reptiles died of hypothermia.

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