Sunday, August 14, 2011

Oklahoma City Maximum Temperatures Falling Over The Last 60 Years | Real Science

Leading Arctic Researcher Shows That Glacial Melt Slowed Substantially Since 1952 | Real Science
Reader Kevin O’Neill brought this to my attention. Leading Arctic expert William Carlson said that glaciers in Norway and Alaska lost half their size during the fifty years before 1952. Had that rate of loss continued, there would have been no glaciers left in Alaska or Norway by 2002. Given that there are glaciers remaining, we can infer that the rate of ice loss was slower in the second half of the century than it was in the first half of the century.
Somehow The MSM Missed This Story | Real Science
Sixteen inches of rain in northeastern Oklahoma over the past week. The press is still busy writing about the record drought – which they expect to go on for another year or two.

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