Monday, August 01, 2011

Polar Bears Don’t Need Ice In The Summer To Survive | Real Science
If they did, there would be no bears in Hudson Bay – which is always ice free in the summer. We also know that the Arctic was ice free in summer 5,000 years ago.
Melting At The South Pole? | Real Science
Every once in a while some victim of John Cook comes along and claims that sublimation is causing the thickness of the ice to decrease in the coldest regions of Antarctica. Rather than arguing against their silly claims, one picture is worth a thousand words.

This is the South Pole Research Station, buried in ice. The red building at left was five stories above the snow when it was built in the 1970s.
- Bishop Hill blog - The Cambridge conference - videos
The Howard Foundation has started to post videos of the talks at the Cambridge Climate Conference. So far only the contributions from Nigel Lawson and Vaclav Klaus have appeared. No doubt the scientists will follow in due course.
- Bishop Hill blog - A conspiracy of warmists
An extraordinary pair of postings at the Chronicle of Higher Education dealing with the machinations of some fairly prominent online proponents of the AGW hypothesis. The comments threads are particularly ugly, but I don't think they will have won many converts.

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