Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sixty-five arrested outside White House in oil pipeline protest - The Hill's E2-Wire
McKibben, a key organizer of the protests, calls the Obama administration decision a referendum on the president's climate change record, noting the decision rests solely with the executive branch.

“He doesn’t have to go through the crazy climate deniers in Congress to be able to do the right thing,” McKibben said in Lafayette Square Saturday morning.

“If Barack Obama mans up, says no to this thing, it will send a surge of electricity through all of the people that voted for him three years ago. It will be the reminder of why we were so enamored of this guy in 2008,” McKibben said.
ASK THE EXPERTS: Beware cold-call firm selling carbon credits | This is Money
G.T.writes: I have been repeatedly called by a firm offering to sell me carbon credits listed on the New York Stock Exchange. They suggest an initial investment of £5,000 to £10,000. Is this a genuine opportunity or just a scam?
Expect Colder Winter with More Snow - Exacta Weather |
Long-term forecasts are suggesting that the coming winter could be colder than usual, and have more snow than normal. Exacta Weather are predicting a cold winter this year. “Large parts of Central and North America will face prolonged periods of below average temperatures with above average snowfall throughout this winter, with many Eastern and Western parts also facing periods of below average temperatures with above average snowfall amounts.

“We expect North America and the Pacific Northwest region to experience a very severe winter, the Cascades snowpack is likely to see increased levels due to the negative (cold) phase of PDO. Our weather models are also showing an increased likelihood for major snow events in Northeastern and Midwestern parts of the US throughout December 2011 and January 2012, that could see severe blizzard conditions hit New York City and Chicago.

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