Friday, August 19, 2011

» WaPo Gets its Pinocchio on for Dishonest ‘Warming’ Attack on Perry - Big Government
Remember, WaPo cites no evidence at all or even the ritual appeal to authority for man-made climate change (catastrophic or otherwise), but just assumes it without even the courtesy of an ‘arguendo’.

So let’s turn to the evidence WaPo generally cites, in its coverage, as supporting its faith, ’something called’ the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Now, the IPCC ‘is a bit old’, having been started expressly to ’support a possible future climate treaty’ in 1988. And seek to support such a thing, it does. If with increasing hilarity.

Who are these people, regularly cited either as “2,500″ or “2,000″ of the “world’s leading climate scientists” (later downgraded to 400 after a little scrutiny)? Are they that? Do The Four Hundred hold up against thirty-plus thousand including 9,000 PhDs? (and why does WaPo need to distinguish PhDs from the rest, as more credible? The man running the federal government’s climate effort has long claimed a PhD, even in a CV submitted to get a federal grant many years ago, but it turns out he only possesses an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from a different university than the one he used to claim an academic PhD from? Is he unqualified? Sort of like, well, WaPo’s writer. President Obama. Al Gore. And the rest? Again with the flexible standards).

No. The IPCC’s ‘chief climate expert’ is a railroad engineer. The 2,000 are anthropology teaching assistants, transport policy instructors, socialist economists and other climate luminaries.

And the IPCC’s Dr. William Schlesinger admitted that only 20% of UN IPCC scientists deal with climate: “Something on the order of 20 percent [of UN scientists] have had some dealing with climate.” Meaning by his own admission, 80% of the UN IPCC membership has no dealing with the climate as part of their academic studies.
Marc Morano: Absurd Global Warming Claims | The Heartland Institute
ECN PODCAST - Marc Morano, publisher discusses absurd global warming claims and the GOP presidential candidates.
Department of Labor | Smartphone App | Heat Safety Tool | The Daily Caller
“Next thing we know, Solis’s Labor Department will come out with an app that tells swimmers that water is wet,” Manning said. “This is absurd. What a waste.”
The Green Jobs Fumble
This isn’t the first report on the green jobs fiasco. There are numerous reports of outrageous amounts of money spent “creating” very few jobs. There are reports of stimulus-receiving green-tech factories closing (or moving abroad), some after receiving praise from Obama himself. Could the failure of promoting ‘green’-jobs have been predicted? Well, you could have looked at Spain, or Germany.

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