Monday, August 08, 2011

Warmist LEWIS W. DIUGUID has a modest proposal: In an attempt to prevent tornadoes, why don't all Minnesotans shut off their home heating systems for 24 hours once a week next winter?

Once a week, let’s give Mother Earth a day off -
Humanity’s growing energy use leads me to renew a plea made four years ago in a column. Earth needs an energy-free day each week. All flights would be canceled, and massive amounts of toxic hydrocarbons won’t be spewed into the air.

On that weekly energy-free day, only emergency vehicles would operate. Everyone else would drive battery-operated cars with a previously stored charge, ride bicycles or walk.

Fossil-fuel-burning power plants would shut down. Trains would stop, and stores would close. Air conditioning or heating would shut down.

Televisions, radios and other media would go silent. Instead of being connected to social media, people would have to reconnect with real people in living color and 3-D.

One day a week would give Mother Nature a chance to catch her breath. It also would provide asthma and other bronchial sufferers a chance to feel more normal.

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