Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Warmist Roberts: "the modern right has constructed a self-contained, hermetically sealed media environment in which conservatives can be protected from ever encountering a contrary view"

To all these reasons, I'd add "epistemic closure," the extraordinary way that the modern right has constructed a self-contained, hermetically sealed media environment in which conservatives can be protected from ever encountering a contrary view. It's an accelerant to all the tendencies described above.


Robert of Ottawa said...

The left, as usual, accuses the right of its own errors and foibles.

T said...


But this is a theme of drsanity's analyses of the Left in general: denial, paranoia, and projection. I

n short, all the tropes of psychosis dominate their political thinking, according to this recently retired Prof of Clinical Psychiatry at the University of Michigan Medical School.

Just google "drsanity" for more.