Friday, September 16, 2011

24 Hours of Climate Reality: Gore-a-thon – Hour 23 | Watts Up With That?
For the record, Mr. Gore, both of my parents died of smoking related illnesses. As a result, I abhor everything about tobacco. Therefore Mr. Gore, you can take that comparison and forcefully insert it into the bodily orifice of your choice.
“It’s An Honor To Be Attacked On Climate Change.” ~ Al Gore | Sheril Kirshenbaum
He also makes a fair comparison between climate change denial and the tobacco industry’s attempt to fight the Surgeon General’s report linking smoking to cancer.
“They hired actors and dressed them up as doctors and gave them scripts” saying that smoking isn’t harmful. Today, said Gore, “carbon polluters” are paying for climate change doubters to say similar things.
Sounds a lot like the Marc Moranos out there.
Sheril Kirshenbaum
Sheril is the author of The Science of Kissing, which explores one of humanity's fondest pastimes. She also co-authored Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens Our Future with Chris Mooney, chosen by Library Journal as one of the Best Sci-Tech Books of 2009 and named by President Obama's science advisor John Holdren as his top recommended read.

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