Monday, September 12, 2011

Al Gore’s Money-Grubbing « NoFrakkingConsensus
Gore likes to compare the climate change fight to the 1960s US civil rights movement and to World War II...But his speaking fees reveal that no such parallel actually exists in his own mind. Such comparisons are nothing more than a nasty rhetorical trick that allow him to equate people he disagrees with with racists and mass-murdering Nazis.

Martin Luther King Jr. did not demand to be paid before he delivered a speech. Nor did Winston Churchill. Those great men campaigned tirelessly because it was the right thing to do.

Not once did they pass up an opportunity to be heard because the cheque wasn’t big enough.
Solar trading sting costs business
A MACKAY business is $122,000 worse off after two companies, which acted as agents for the Federal Government's renewable energy certificates, collapsed.

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