Thursday, September 01, 2011

Does the global warming bandwagon have a handbrake? | ScottishSceptic
For obvious reasons given recent events, I was just wondering what is going to happen when the forward momentum of the global warming bandwagon stops and the force of common sense starts driving it back down the hill; does it have a handbrake?

In Scotland all the political parties – even the Tories – bought into the global warming nonsense. That’s fine when every other party supports the scam, but what happens when the first party breaks rank and comes out against it? The electorate are not going to remember the second party to admit it is a scam: and any party that continues to hang onto the bandwagon when others decide to switch is going to become the sacrificial goat onto which all the other parties hang the blame. There’s every chance of just as much rush to get off the bandwagon when it stops as there was when it was the global warming vote-winning gravy train.
The end is nigh | ScottishSceptic
In short, there isn’t one story speaking positively about cutting CO2, most are either ambiguous or highly critical and it’s really being treated as a bit of a jokey topic.

There’s a point at high tide where all the flotsam and jetsam brought in by the tide, gets dumped as the water starts going the other way. I think this is what we are seeing!
Why the Government Should Not Play Venture Capitalist - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
The Solyndra disaster is the perfect example of what happens when the federal government decides to play venture capitalist with taxpayer’s money.
[Should my grandchildren have to get kidney stones just so Revkin and his kid can take fossil-fueled trips to look at redwoods?] -
the photo at the top of this post shows my son in a faraway place

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