Thursday, September 22, 2011

Europe's Shale Gas Boom -
High Europe gas prices propel fracking push, threaten heavily subsidized renewables: Benny Pieser’s latest headline roundup
One side effect of a warmer Arctic, it will be cleaner due to black carbon scavenging | Watts Up With That?
Arctic air may become cleaner as temperatures rise
[Even stranger-than-usual feature on Grist:  Dogs write in to describe how they prevent CO2-induced bad weather]
My name is Fin. I've been loving the earth for 10 years by hiking in almost all the 50 states and living in eight of them.
EIA predicts a grim future for carbon emissions | Grist
the EIA projects that global carbon dioxide emissions will rise some 40 percent from 2008 to 2035:

Such an emissions path would all but ensure multiple, simultaneous, ever-worsening catastrophes for the nation and the world -- widespread Dust-Bowlification; multi-foot sea level rise (SLR) followed by SLR of six to 12-plus inches a decade until the planet is ice-free; massive species loss; the ocean turning into large, hot acidified dead zones; and ever-strengthening superstorms.
Carbon capture progress has lost momentum, says climate change agency | Environment | The Guardian
Meeting of senior ministers in Beijing hears that CCS is being left behind due to financial crisis and weakening political will
Everybody but America is cuckoo for carbon capture | Grist
While the U.S. has largely given up on building functional carbon capture and storage projects linked to power plants, everyone else is all over it.

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