Saturday, September 10, 2011

One blizzard from catastrophe - Winnipeg Free Press
"We got lucky on the Red. That was one of the saving graces," Steve Topping said. "But we sat down with the city and started planning for the possibility of even greater floods.

"We know we go from wet cycles to drought cycles and we know climate change is happening, partly due to global warming and partly due to changes to the landscape."
C3: The Indisputable Climate Facts For Jon Huntsman: Global Warming Is A Non-Issue
Hell, even Obama has smartened up about the bogus climate hysteria and is starting to avoid it like the plague. Huntsman is so stupid and desperate for liberal love he gets suckered by the MSM, thus revealing himself to be both politically correct and extremely vulnerable with his fringe AGW views.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: The 76 trillion dollar computer game
A paper published today in the Journal of Geophysical Research in essence reveals climate models are not capable of reproducing the observed climate of the past century, much less the future. According to the paper, "few models reproduce the strong observed warming trend from 1918 to 1940," there are "large differences" in the forcings and feedbacks used in various models and that some of these are "unrealistic." In other words, the key inputs and assumptions of the models are not known with reasonable certainty - ergo GIGO. The paper also finds that predicting the range of "future climate change by weighting these models based on their 20th century [performance] is not possible." Translation: climate models are little more than very expensive computer fantasy games that cannot predict the future nor even replicate the past.
Global warming alarmism on steroids – some like it hot | Watts Up With That?
This is one of those Jeane Dixon style predictions, written in such general terms that it can be provable by just about any summer in the future. According to the Wikipedia article on her, John Allen Paulos, a mathematician at Temple University, coined the term “the Jeane Dixon effect,” which refers to a tendency to promote a few correct predictions while ignoring a larger number of incorrect predictions. Sound familiar?

Example in 2012: Hey, there was a new record July temperature in North Podunk Saskatchewan (apologies to Kate), See, we were right! Worse, while citing an NCDC report that agrees with their prediction, the author conveniently avoids the conclusion made by NOAA last year related to the Russian heat wave of 2010 which has no linkage to “global warming” bust was the same sort of block high pressure setup that caused the US heat wave this year.

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