Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oxfam warns of spiralling land grab in developing countries | Environment |
Much of the land grabbing has being driven by the expansion of sugar cane and oil palm for biofuel production.
Emissions go up but temperatures don’t | JunkScience Sidebar
In a rational world you’d expect this to give people pause. Firstly it tells us that having the developed world commit industrial suicide by rationing energy and restricting emissions will not stop the rise in atmospheric CO2 levels and secondly it shows that this little trace gas is not climatically significant because despite its increase air temperature has not risen, nor has ocean heat content since we deployed a reasonably accurate means of monitoring it.

Why people ever became excited that atmospheric CO2was a significant determinant of global mean temperature has always been a mystery to me. Consider the 6-9 °C difference between glacial and interglacial temperature when ambient CO2 levels were supposed to vary from 200 – 280ppmv and the 0.75 ± 0.4 °C change as levels varied from 280 – 390 ppmv. Even if low levels exerted a disproportionate influence that influence is obviously near exhausted. What is there to get excited about.
EPA trying the “environmental justice” scam again | JunkScience Sidebar
Actually molecules can’t tell what your ethnic background might be, even if they might be molecules of pollution. What is true is that exposure is often related to lower socioeconomics because people who can afford not to generally choose not to live in industrial areas.
- Bishop Hill blog - The Cook timeline
It's a stretch, in my opinion.

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