Friday, September 09, 2011

Shock News : Humans Can Survive 28F Higher Temperatures Than Where I Live | Real Science
This place in the Pacific Ocean averages 78F during the year, yet people seem to be able to manage. Fort Collins averages a much more livable 50F. Difficult to imagine that anyone could survive the harsh conditions shown above.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: My Initial Comments on the New Dessler 2011 Study « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
UPDATE: I have been contacted by Andy Dessler, who is now examining my calculations, and we are working to resolve a remaining difference there. Also, apparently his paper has not been officially published, and so he says he will change the galley proofs as a result of my blog post
Vancouver festival | Greenpeace Canada
The Action Zone will give a taste of how we take part in civil disobedience and how we bring attention to environmental crimes. Action zone activities will include:

Climb training
Civil disobedience workshop
Kids Zone
The festival will incorporate a kids zone to entertain Greenpeace's youngest supporters with:
Story Telling
Face Painting
Tzeporah Berman gives pointers to young would-be environmental activists | The Vancouver Observer
Berman’s anecdotes touch on the terrible facts of climate change. Her seat mate on her flight to Copenhagen was the chief climate negotiator for Liberia. After she described the state of the debates over renewable energy in Canada, he told her:

“It’s nice that you still have time for those discussions. In my home today, people are dying and more people will die tomorrow and so far nothing we’ve done will help them.”

The G77 spokesperson from Sudan compared the Copenhagen Accord to a suicide pact that condemns Africa to becoming a furnace. Grain yields in Africa are expected to decrease by 50 per cent over the next ten years. Millions are already starving in Sudan.
RGGI update: It wasn’t supposed to be like this | Watts Up With That?
Too long title: New Hampshire stays in, NJ probably gets out, 3rd quarter auction sells less than 18% of allowances, secondary market moribund, RGGI soldiers on.
ATI Release: Kansas Gov., Former Sen. Brownback Incorrect on Promise, Economics of Renewable Energy
“Unfortunately Gov. Brownback and his advisers have not done their due diligence in investigating the serious problems with renewables mandates and wind power,” Chesser said. “All they need to do to discover that truth is to remove the mandates and massive government subsidies these alternative energy schemes enjoy, and let them stand or fall on their own.”

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