Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tea Party Ignorant on Global Warming; Poll...
the Tea Party is alone in denying the existence of global warming.

You see, what isn't understood by some people ( and as the poll indicates, Tea Party supporters), when global warming is mentioned it isn't always necessarily man-made global warming that is being discussed. Naturally, these rabidly ignorant types tend to disregard any form of education on the manner so giving them the means to learn about it is pointless. It's all about politics to them, at least what little they understand of politics; and these people attribute the concept of climate change to being "liberal" or "progressive."

Hopefully one of these days, people who share the mentality of the dwindling grassroots movement will come around to the reality that the Earth is in fact fluctuating in climate. Whether or not it's caused by humans is beside the point, and it's important to know about the changes of weather and climate to be able to determine how the human race can continue to survive. Caring about the environment isn't a hippie thing, or a liberal thing. It's a human thing, and it's sad that some humans are just too slow and stubborn to get that.
©2011 Chelsea Hoffman is the Author of "Chloe and Louis," and the "Fear Chronicles," series of books.

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