Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Climate Common Sense: $600 Billion for Carbon Indulgences could be better spent!
The Gillard government plan to send $600 billion dollars of taxpayer's money overseas to buy paper carbon credits is criticised by Ziggy Switkowski in the Australian who says that the money could be better spent .
With the recent 7 billion dollar Carbon Credit fraud in the EU, buying overseas carbon credits makes as much sense as investing in a Ponzi scheme but it will probably wont deter the feckless fools in Canberra.
The Iron Lady Alarmist | Real Science
In 700 years, Earth will be hotter than the boiling point of water.
"Time" magazine has a logic all of its own
Ya gotta laugh! They point out how bad global cooling has been and conclude that therefore global warming will be bad too. The obvious conclusion that the effect of warming might be the opposite of cooling doesn't penetrate their robot brain

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