Wednesday, October 05, 2011

More tedious AP AGW propaganda | JunkScience Sidebar
Even the Nude Socialist managed Pacific islands left thirsty by La Niña but AP just couldn’t report the facts.

In fact sea levels do rise around Tuvalu during La Niña events – and fall during El Niños due to regional changes in atmospheric pressure and deformation of the sea surface lens (nothing whatsoever to do with “global warming”). The ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation) phase does affect seasonal rains significantly but again, the region in question is in drought during the cool phase, not during the warmth experienced globally with the El Niño phase.

Here’s the idiotic AP coverage, parroted by WaPo
Omitted Costs, Inflated Benefits: Renewable Energy Policy in Ontario | JunkScience Sidebar
Electricity rates will double, making them among the highest in the developed world
An albatross named Solyndra | JunkScience Sidebar
GOP Aims to Taint Bluedog Dems With Solyndra Scandal

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