Sunday, October 30, 2011

They're not all treehuggers: Head of British Birding Association evidently doesn't believe in the global warming hoax

Rare birds flock to British shores in record numbers | Environment | The Observer
"It is an incredibly expensive hobby to keep up," said [Lee Evans, who runs the British Birding Association] "Most of the rare visitors arrive in the Scillies, the Outer Hebrides, Orkney or Shetland – all at the fringes of the British Isles. Flights can cost £600 to get there.

"The alternative is to drive, then take the ferry. Every year I run up about 70,000 miles on my car doing this. That means spending thousands of pounds just on petrol. Essentially, I go through a car a year to spot these birds. And now we are getting more and more of them."
Dec 2008: British Birding Association UK400 Club - GLOBAL WARMING !
Published by Lee Evans
The past year has seen the triumph of bogus climate science. Dissenting scientists, whose numbers are steadily increasing, have been gagged. Now, the global warming coalition has a free hand to achieve the destruction of western economies, in the foolish hope their actions will save the world.
The northern hemisphere is shivering under unusually cold temperatures, polar ice is building up at record pace, but EU governments want us to think that the climate is warming. The new American president, celebrated as our ultimate hope, is minded to impose a new burden in excess of one trillion dollars to the floundering American economy, because cooked statistics say that the world's temperature is rising.
Mark Duchamp

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