Monday, November 07, 2011

Cleopatra the climate change denying ostrich - YouTube

Pete MacDowell of Climate Reality Check and Abe Allen of Protecting Our Waters show off Cleopatra, Queen of Denial, the climate change denying ostrich who prefers to bury her head in the sand rather than face reality about the impacts of the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline on our planet's climate. November 6, 2011 in front of the White House.

Shakespeare, Global Warming, Sunset, and You - ABC News

According to all the apparently competent experts this reporter has found on the matter after more than seven years following the story across the United States and around the world, manmade global warming is well under way, already extremely destructive, and on track to grow steadily worse for at least the next three decades, even if humanity does manage to drastically cut carbon emissions. 
...Virtually all the world’s roughly 3,000 professional climate scientists paint a psychologically daunting picture of the world in which today’s toddlers are growing up.

Estimates of people now dying who would not if there were no manmade warming are in the hundreds of thousands. The United Nations now estimates hundreds of millions of disruptive “climate refugees” in less than 40 years.

Real climate change: from green to brown » Corpus Christi Caller-Times

Count my grass as another victim of global warming.

Hard-up UK puts climate change on back burner | Climate Change

Report finds Britons more concerned with keeping warm than worrying about the environment

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