Friday, November 11, 2011

Climate Conspiracy 5: Greens don’t “convince”, they “brainwash” | The Science Friday Blog

I could offer many rebuttals supported by quotes from experts, but then What on Earth? does exactly that on a regular basis. How about this for an answer: scientists don’t care about P.R., or selling the public on a grand idea. They just care about science. We’ve all heard of the “absent minded professor” cliche, but I don’t think I’m too familiar with the “Persuasive, P.R.-saavy, master communicator professor” stereotype. Although that might be just what the fight against climate change needs right now.

Learning Climate Change on the Go

If Profs. David Lustick and Jill Hendrickson Lohmeier of the Graduate School of Education have their way, riding on the T will provide lessons about climate change.

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