Monday, November 07, 2011

Climate on Cable: The Nature and Impact of Global Warming Coverage on Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC

the views of Republicans are strongly linked with the news outlet they watch, regardless of how well that outlet aligns with their political
predispositions. In contrast, Democrats don’t vary much in their beliefs as a function of cable news use. This asymmetry suggests
that some Republicans, who as a group tend to be predisposed toward global warming skepticism, are less skeptical when exposed
to information on the reality and urgency of climate change.

Twitter / @suzyji: Browner - if people want # ...

 Browner - if people want to go forward maybe there shd be a commitment that GHG be offset

Twitter / @suzyji: 1/2 Wish #nokxl organisers ...

1/2 Wish organisers wd be a little more realistic. Big turnout yes but NOT NOT 5-10 deep length of WH

Obama's Green Obsession: The Democrats' Blue-Collar Blues

Obama governing philosophy has consistently put green priorities ahead of blue-collar workers. That is now one of the biggest threats to his re-election.

Saving Britain's Economy: Ditch Expensive Wind Farms

The government could save each member of the population almost £550 by 2020 if it scraps expensive wind energy plans in favour of cheaper nuclear and gas-fired power plants.

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