Monday, November 07, 2011

Congress Attacks "Illegal" EU Carbon Tax on Americans

The governments of China, Australia, Canada, Japan, Russia, and dozens of other nations are standing up to the EU tax as well. Even the Obama administration is opposed to the plan.

Rick Perry campaign lashes out against ‘Manufactured Mitt’ on climate change | Iowa Caucuses

In a news release this afternoon entitled: “Manufactured Mitt: His carefully choreographed, rare Iowa appearances attempt to hide positions on carbon emissions,” the Texas governor’s aides lash out at Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and fellow Republican.

Articles: Green Energy: Damn the Facts, Full Speed Ahead!

Green energy alternatives may satisfy our energy needs one day, but this much is certain: today, green energy is little more than a way for President Obama to dole out federal dollars to his favorite firms at the expense of coal, oil, and natural gas producers.  The science and technology do not exist in green energy areas to meet even a smidgen of our energy needs.  That's what the facts tell us, and ignoring the facts is costing us jobs and tax revenue.

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