Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Durban global warming farce: look who’s on the gravy train | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

What a colossal gravy train is this global warming scam. How can it be derailed with so many carpet-baggers on board for the UN’s Durban conference this week:


What a wonderful conference Durban is for people from organisations you’d never hear of otherwise - and remember, this is just one of dozens of such groups at the conference

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Will Accept This Description

So, yes, if Dr. Jones wishes to defines the sides in this debate as skeptics whose science is driven by observational data and alarmists whose science is driven by computer models no one has seen or replicated, I will accept those definitions.

Peter Foster: The left’s climate moralism | FP Comment | Financial Post

The left is showing more moralism on climate than the right. Second of two parts

The 'Revkin' Collection in the Climate E-mail Release -

[Alana Goodman] On the whole, I think Revkin has tried to be fair to all sides of the climate change debate. But I still don’t believe he gives fair coverage to the content of the original ClimateGate emails — emails that he personally had a part in. If the messages had shown prominent climate change skeptics plotting media strategy, obscuring data, and acting more like lobbyists than scientists, the New York Times would certainly have treated it like the scandal it is. And if the Times is willing to devote space to crowdsourcing the Sarah Palin emails, it had no excuse for not doing the same with emails written by prominent scientists who help shape international environmental policy.

NYT’s Revkin Denies Bias in ClimateGate Coverage « Commentary Magazine

Revkin obviously has his personal views on climate change, which he writes about regularly at his Dot Earth blog. Whether those opinions influenced his reporting, consciously or not, isn’t something that can be definitively known.

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