Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pachauri’s Rhetoric vs Reality « NoFrakkingConsensus

It’s time for an explanation. How can the IPCC’s chairman be so profoundly misinformed? And are there really no consequences when the head of a Nobel Peace Prize-winning body goes around the world misleading the rest of us on so basic and fundamental a matter?

Do we really consider this acceptable behaviour? Have our standards sunk so low?

Climategate 2.0 « the Air Vent

[Warmist Greg Laden weighs in] Looks like an interesting combination of out of context statements and sour grapes.

Is this supposed to be useful in some way?

New Climategate Emails « Climate Audit

#3148 is a bit interesting in terms of the team feeling for this blog:

Hi Phil,

Looking forward to the new TS 3.0(!!!!) and the new scPDSI calculated from it. How will Gerard determine where it is rubbish? From my own perspective, I would prefer to determine that myself. Will I send the paper to Climate Audit? Have I gone senile or insane? Since not yet on both accounts, nah! I agree that Venus is better than Mars for those bastards. It is more hell-like by all accounts. The audit folks might want to debate the existence of greenhouse warming there as well. Not even Bush would recommend sending astronauts to Venus. Mars after being bathed in cosmic rays for months to get there is okay by his logic.



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