Thursday, November 10, 2011

Settled, irrefutable junk science: Guy from PricewaterhouseCoopers imagines people in Australia dying in 2050 from a combination of obesity, diabetes, carbon dioxide, and age

If CO2 is really going to wipe out the world's food supply anytime soon, why would the Australian people of 2050 be obese?

Thousands could die as Melbourne faces more hot blasts | Herald Sun

The report says by 2050, more than 1000 people could die in a heatwave similar to Black Saturday unless we change how we deal with extreme heat.

The study blames climate change for the forecast increase in heatwaves. It says heat has killed more Australians over the past 200 years than any other natural disasters.

PricewaterhouseCoopers principal Roger Beale - who prepared the report alongside the Bureau of Meteorology - said heatwaves would become Melbourne's silent killer.

"You will get treble the amount of these heat events and up to five times as many dying - so in Melbourne, you could have ... in excess of 1000 people dying in a matter of days," he told the Herald Sun.

Mr Beale said due to Victoria's ageing population - combined with higher obesity and diabetes rates - without a proper national heatwave plan more people would die.

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