Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Thrill-seeking for Gaia, Part Deux « The Daily Bayonet

It was a remarkable bit of luck that the dart didn’t hit the ocean, or somewhere boring, or somewhere populated by cannibalistic pygmies with the munchies. Nope, these two plucky chaps managed to hit polar bear central, the perfect location for a  ‘green’ marketing campaign to persuade others to pay for their Christmas adventure:

Tornadoes Go Easy on the Weekends | Wired Science |

The group did some heavy-duty statistics to ensure a robust analysis, adjusting for things like long-term trends and seasonal patterns. In order to avoid the reporting bias that comes with improvements in weather-observing technology, the tornado and hail storm data only go back to 1995. In the end, they found a strong correlation between aerosol concentrations and the number of tornadoes and hail storms. The number of tornadoes was about 20 percent above average mid-week, and nearly 20 percent below average on the weekend. The hail storm pattern was nearly identical.

They repeated the analysis separately for each month and region of the eastern US to show that correlation is indeed strongest over the summer months in the southeast, and that no other significant correlation shows up anywhere. They also confirm that there is little difference in the correlation from year to year, and that no significant correlation exists for the western United States.

Chevy Volt Costing Taxpayers Up to $250K Per Vehicle [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Analyst: 'This might be the most government-supported car since the Trabant'

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