Monday, January 02, 2012

NYT article on climategate: Ends with Mann innuendo « Tallbloke's Talkshop

Leslie Kaufman’s previously expected article on the hunt for ‘FOIA’ has been published. As usual with such pieces, it avoids any discussion of the contents of the new emails released by ‘FOIA’ by saying that the scientists at the centre of the climategate controversy have been cleared by the investigations and inquiries which have taken place. This anachronistic, yet still standard boilerplate in my opinion marks the journalists who dish it up as being either incredibly lazy or incredibly biased or incredibly tightly constrained by editors who are fearful of backlash from politicians or even litigiously minded professors. We hear and see the same thing in Nikki Fox’s piece for the BBC and daily from the pro AGW bloggers.

It is a fig leaf which will shrivel and disintegrate under the light of truth.

Al Fin: Complexity, Causation, and Crucial Failures of Science

But most "bad science" of today is merely the failure of scientists to scrupulously stick to the rules of the scientific method. In other words, modern climate science is not unreliable and untrustworthy due to the chaotic nature of climate. Modern climate science is untrustworthy because the most powerful and best-connected of the group are willing to lie, obscure, strong-arm, and cover up the many weaknesses of their arguments and theories in order to enlarge their influence and power. That has everything to do with human weakness, greed, and immorality, and nothing to do with deep level difficulties in science.

German Skepticism Going Global In 2012? And Experts See Cooling For The Decades Ahead

When you read Die Kalte Sonne, you really get the sense of how far climate science has advanced since 2007 and how outdated and narrow the IPCC AR4 truly is. Talk about divergence!

Authors forecast cooling for the decades ahead

The book’s authors focus on why the climate catastrophe is not taking place. It takes an in-depth look into the topics of solar cycles, temperature reconstructions, the Hockey Stick, aerosols, soot, fudging, amplification mechanisms, cosmic radiation, magnetism, clouds, UV radiation, ocean cycles, the shortcomings and flaws of the IPCC and their dubious models in particular. The authors also present their own look into the future using a model that considers all important climate drivers. It concludes that the Earth has to reckon with cooling over the coming decades. It’s the most convincing forecast I’ve seen up to now.

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