Monday, January 16, 2012

Tanker Carrying Fuel Arrives at Iced-in AK Town - ABC News

The especially harsh winter has left snow piled up 10 feet or higher against the wood-sided buildings in Nome, a former gold rush town that is the final stop on the Iditarod dog sled race. On Sunday, everything was covered in a layer of wind-blown snow and vehicles looked frozen in place, as though they haven't been moved in weeks.

U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, who flew to Nome on Sunday, said the town's ordeal had captured the world's attention as it displayed a reality of Alaska life.

Alfred Wegener Institute Neumayer Station III: Antarctic Cooling Over The Last 30 Years!

With all the concern over global warming gripping Europe, you’d think this would be all over the news. Nope! Not a peep of this cooling trend has appeared anywhere in the German news as far as I can tell. Unfortunately, the AWI did not offer any explanation as to why they have measured cooling.

Twitter / @Revkin: Global Warming: 'Revenge o ...

Global Warming: 'Revenge of the atmosphere' A look at Rutgers' Jennifer Francis' N.Hemisphere sea-ice/weather work.

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