Wednesday, February 08, 2012

B92 - News - Minus 55 degrees recorded in Kamchatka

MOSCOW -- A record low temperature in Russia this winter has been recorded in the Kamchatka Peninsula, minus 55 degrees Celsius.

Blizzards push Europe energy grids to their limits | Reuters

Worst cold spell in decades could last until end of month

Climate Scientists Violate Own Advice: Opine On Topics About Which They Have No Expertise - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

Perhaps the climate "dentists" are recommending open heart surgery to treat tooth decay.

Santorum Sends The Right Message On Global Warming - Forbes

Of course, no candidate is perfect and Santorum has other issues that are troublesome to small-government Republicans.  But the lesson to be learned here, as Santorum surges in recent primaries due in large part to his willingness and ability to throw down the gauntlet on global warming and related issues, is that politicians champion big-government energy and environment policies at their own peril. Rick Santorum has a clean record on these issues, and he is starting to turn that clean record into political momentum.

The best article on wind farms you will ever read – Telegraph Blogs

R-i-g-h-t. So what you're saying, Jonathan, is that the ONLY reason we're carpeting some of the world's most attractive wild countryside in horribly costly, economically inefficient, bird-liquidising, noise-polluting, view-blighting, rare-earth-metal-exploiting, property-debasing, horse-frightening, rent-seekers' uber-horrors, is to save the odd tonne of CO2 emissions, as and when, despite the fact that the science increasingly suggests that the difference this will make to global climate will be so negligible as to be beyond measurement?

I genuinely don't understand how the people involved in this scam can sleep at night, really I don't. But I do know what their punishment should be. They should be forced to spend the rest of their lives living in one of the many newly vacant properties at the foot of the nearest wind farm.

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