Thursday, February 02, 2012

Email 707, May 2001, Tom Wigley: "I personally do NOT want anyone else developing software that overlaps MAGICC/SCENGEN"

Email 707

I personally do NOT want anyone else developing software that overlaps MAGICC/SCENGEN. I would also be extremely annoyed if Tyndall should support work that is clearly our territory; or even if Tyndall/Hulme should encourage such work. Indeed, Mike should contact this person and point out that his behaviour is quite intolerable. At the very least it breaches the bounds of normal scientific etiquette.  [Wigley]

Email 531, Dec 2003

[UEA's Rachel Warren] FYI : the new versions of MAGICC and SCENGEN have been provided to me as executables.

So far, Tom Wigley has declined to give me the source code! Apparently he is not giving the

source code of the new SCENGEN to anyone at all. Tim Mitchell thinks it's no great loss and that

he could easily create an alternative, which he plans to do anyway as a part of Nigel Arnell's Tyndall round 3 project.

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