Tuesday, February 21, 2012

EU Referendum: A very small tragedy

Overall, though, the greatest achievement of the "deniers" has been to turn the subject into the tedious backwater that it has become. Without the prominence and the heat (if one dare say that), the political traction goes and eventually the scare withers on the vine, which it is now doing.

What is of greater concern now is the regulatory aftermath, where the costs and burdens of regulation continue to multiply. And they lies within the greater realms of politics, where too many in the global warning game fear to tread.

HadCRUT4 Expected To Cool The Past And Warm The Present | Real Science

[Response: Well, since 2010 was warmer than 1998 in GISTEMP, NCDC and in the forthcoming HadCRUT4, I don't think I need to worry too much. - gavin]

India to overtake China as largest coal importer | JunkScience.com

You can stop worrying about your “carbon footprint” now.

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