Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Gleick resigns from NCSE

As part of NCSE's expansion to defend the teaching of climate science, Gleick had agreed to join NCSE's board of directors. On the same day as he posted his statement, however, he apologized to NCSE for his behavior with regard to the Heartland Institute documents and offered to withdraw from the board, on which he was scheduled to begin serving as of February 25, 2012. His offer was accepted.

"Gleick obtained and disseminated these documents without the knowledge of anyone here," NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott commented, "and we do not condone his doing so." But, she added, "they show that NCSE was right to broaden its scope to include the teaching of climate science. There really are coordinated attempts to undermine the teaching of climate science, and NCSE is needed to help to thwart them."   [Via Anthony Watts]

Climate scientist admits duping skeptic group to obtain documents - The Washington Post

A prominent climate scientist and author acknowledged Sunday [?] night that he had obtained internal documents from a climate skeptic group under a fake identity, raising new questions over how advocates have been waging the war over public perceptions about global warming.

Death of Flint man after electricity shutoff brings back memories of Marvin Schur, who died of hypothermia in his Bay City home | MLive.com

FLINT, Michigan -- The death of an elderly Flint man whose body was found in his truck days after Consumers Energy cut off electricity to his home brings back memories of a Bay City man whose death of hypothermia in 2009 spurred legislative action.

Twitter / @suzyji: @clim8resistance

[According to Gleick] That document was sent to him anonymously and reflects material in all the other documents - which Heartland says are real

Climate scientist admits lying to obtain 'Denialgate' docs • The Register

Dr Gleick had also recently organised a group letter (pdf) from warmist scientists calling for urgent and immediate action to limit carbon emissions, in which he and his co-signatories claimed that a "McCarthy-like" campaign of intimidation was being waged against them. He had previously achieved some fame for his thesis that bottled water is evil.

Environmental Campaign Launches with New Film ‘The Lorax’ | Ecorazzi

“This exciting partnership goes to show that bringing back the splendor of one of the world’s great forests is not an idea confined to the imagination of Dr. Seuss, but something that people everywhere can do now—by helping plant a billion trees in Brazil—to ensure a future in which the lungs of the Earth are healthy and thriving,” said Sarene Marshall, managing director of the Global Climate Change Team at The Nature Conservancy.

Breaking news: Heartland leaker is scientist Peter Gleick, says documents are all real | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

Note that Gleick is explicitly saying the strategy document about the Heartland Institute trying to dissuade the teaching of science is in fact real, despite the claims from Heartland saying it’s not.

1 comment:

mrkwong said...

All that really matters at this point:

When Gleick settles with Heartland, where will the money come to pay the settlement?

I'm reasonably confident that right now the primary focus of Gleick's legal team is hitting up the usual climate-alarmist moneybags to put together a war chest.

We can be fairly confident that Gleick's Democrat backers (he's got hardcore Dem parrot Chris Lehane on hand) are prepared to make this as expensive for Heartland as possible.