Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"what this episode really demonstrates to the world is how *little* money was needed to bring the greatest scam in history to its knees"

Hippies hate Heartland « The Daily Bayonet

What the Heartland document show is how badly warmists have been beaten by those with a fraction of the resources they’ve enjoyed.

Al Gore spent $300 million advertising the global warming hoax. Greenpeace, the WWF, the Sierra Club, The Natural Resources Defense Council, NASA, NOAA, the UN and nation states have collectively poured billions into climate research, alternative energies and propaganda, supported along the way by most of the broadcast and print media.

Yet they’ve been thwarted by a few honest scientists, a number of blogs and a small pile of cash from Heartland.

Here’s a clue for DeSmog, Joe Romm and other warmists enjoying a little schadenfreude today. It’s not the money that’s beating you, it’s the message.

Your climate fear-mongering backfired. You cried wolf so often the villagers stopped listening. Then Climategate I & II gave the world a peek behind the curtain into the shady practices, petty-feuding and data-manipulation that seems to pass for routine in climate ‘science’.

So enjoy the moment, warmists, because what this episode really demonstrates to the world is how little money was needed to bring the greatest scam in history to its knees. That’s not something I’d think you’d want to advertise, but knock yourselves out. It’s what you do best.


Anonymous said...

This denier funding is peanuts. These documents show clearly that the constant claims of 'well funded climate denialism' were never true. Alarmists simply made them up.

For years I never really knew if deniers were well funded or not. Now I know they were never well funded.

Its the greenies who have been well funded all along.

Thank you Desmogblog. Nice work

Hugh K said...

Regardless how deep of a hole these clowns dig, I'm not claiming victory until at least one member of 'the team' goes to jail for fraud.
That is our tax dollars the "nation states" have given these swindlers and someone needs to pay.
No justice, no election/reelection.