Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Warning Signs: Little Green Morons

The lesson here is that any organization, government agency, or company claiming to be “green” is composed of morons, charlatans or a combination of both.

Quadrant Online - Climate Review: III

This review has provided a two-part summary and analysis of selected events and papers relevant to global warming and climate change that occurred, or were published, during 2011, in Australian political context.

Fuller accounts of a wider range of relevant recent papers, and a summary of the thinking of the many independent scientists who do not favour warming alarmism, can be found in Carter (2010) and NIPCC (2011), and breaking news can be found at independent web sites that deal with climate change news such as Watts Up With That, Bishop Hill and JoNova.

The New Nostradamus of the North: Vestas, the world´s biggest wind-turbine manufacturer, makes huge loss

Vestas, the world´s biggest wind-turbine manufacturer, today delivered a terrible result for 2011, with an annual loss four times wider than analysts had estimated:

Sorry about all these cold penguins | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

But I never hear these journalists apologise for having been taken in by - or actively whipped up - the great global warming scare:

Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Fritz Vahrenholt Climate Book

I have not seen the book nor the Der Spiegel feature, but I can say that, contrary to the various memes running around, many science-based skeptics became such by exactly this process — looking at the so-called settled science and realizing a lot of it was really garbage.  Not because we were paid off in oil money or mesmerized by Rush Limbaugh, but because the actual detail behind many of the IPCC conclusions is really a joke.

For tomorrow, I am working on an article I have been trying to write literally for years.  One of the confusing parts of the climate debate is that there are really portions of the science that are pretty solid.  When skeptics point to other parts of the science that is not well-done, defenders tend to run back to the solid parts and point to those.  That is why Michael Mann frequently answers his critics by saying that skeptics are dumb because they don’t accept greenhouse gas theory, but most skeptics do indeed accept greenhouse gas theory, what they don’t accept is the separate theory that the climate is dominated by positive feedbacks that amplify small warming from CO2 into a catastrophe.

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