Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bioengineer humans to tackle climate change, say philosophers | Leo Hickman | Environment |

What do you say to those who are claiming you and your fellow authors are "eco Nazis", "eugenicists" etc, for publishing this paper?

Sandberg: Well, none of us are deep greens or totalitarian. We are fairly typical liberal academics thinking about the world. In fact, in my normal work with global catastrophic risks at the Future of Humanity Institute, climate change is at the lower end of concern. Certainly a problem, but unlikely to wipe out humanity. That probably disqualifies me from being an eco Nazi.
Certainly one can imagine nasty governments imposing various green policies on the population, forcing them to act in ways that benefit the environment. But our paper doesn't give them any particular ethical support: if you are willing to infringe on people's reproductory liberty, why not just prevent them from consuming as much as they want?  [Via Climate Depot]

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