Monday, March 26, 2012

Chris Mooney | How Do You Build a Scientific Republican?

The only solution, then, is to make organized climate denial simply beyond the pale. It has to be the case that taking such a stand is tantamount to asserting that smoking is completely safe, no big deal, go ahead and have two packs a day.

Will that happen? Someday, I think it will. But it is not like we have a lot of time on our hands.

Record Low Integrity Ratio | Real Science

The earth has been cooling for more than a decade, so alarmists have adopted a new fraudulent statistic – the claimed ratio of record highs to record lows. This number is meaningless for several seasons.

  1. Hansen, GHCN and USHCN have been very busy cooling the past. The station at La Paz, Bolivia recently had all of their older temperatures cooled by 3.5 degrees C. Same for the US, Australia, the Arctic etc.
  2. Nightime temperatures are affected by UHI. Suburban sprawl keeps temperatures up at night.
  3. Daytime temperatures are affected by UHI. Black asphalt and concrete structures absorb heat.
  4. Many of the records alarmists are touting are from stations who’s records begin in the 1960s or 1970s – a known very cold period.

Time to investigate 'Green' media spin - On Line Opinion - 26/3/2012

If the ABC is to ever rid itself of the perception that it caters to a primarily Green-Left audience, its supposedly independent investigative journalists need to start examining the excesses of mainstream environmentalism and the damage it is doing both to the wider environment and regional and rural communities. A good start would be for Media Watch to investigate arguably the most prominent form of media spin which is seen on an almost daily basis – that is the coverage of natural resource usage promulgated at the behest of mainstream environmental groups.

Juliet Eilperin: Two-thirds of polar bears ‘could be extinct’ by mid-century |

The Washington Post alarmist endangers the English language.

Mr. Worthing: Stop the World! My PC is overheating.

I also have a number of programs on my home PC that run simulations. I conclude from these that aliens will soon invade Earth and that a major battle against insect-mutants will almost destroy the human race. Can I have a grant to study this in more detail, please?

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