Saturday, March 10, 2012

Earth Month | Real Science

Earth Hour is a wonderful idea, but we can do better. Everyone should give up fossil fuels for the month of January. No cars, no electricity – no food or water which has been produced or transported using fossil fuels.

Only then will we understand just how little we need heat, light, or food.

Pearson on anti-coal zealots | Climate Nonconformist

Christopher Pearson writes in The Australian on the Greenpeace campaign to destroy the coal industry.

It had all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theory from the 1960s, except that it was true. The operatives matter-of-factly plotting to wreak havoc on the coal industry weren’t reds, anarchists or nihilists. They were eco-warriors who’d taken James Hansen, the high priest of the global warming cult, quite literally when he described coal trains as rivers of death. They were going to undermine the national economy for the sake of a greater good.

Scientists Strive For New Levels Of Stupidity | Real Science

You can’t make this stuff up.

Greenland has been experiencing record cold, is almost completely cut off by record amounts of sea ice, and is running out of food. Enter stage left – scientists worried about Greenland melting down.

IBD: Dim Bulbs At The Department Of Energy |

As gas prices hit $3.79 (and $4.20 in California), Energy Secretary Steven Chu admits he doesn’t own a car. Seems he doesn’t own any lights either, since he just gave a $10 million “affordability prize” for a $50 bulb.

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper shows climate models suck

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