Monday, March 12, 2012

Harvard Biologist Accuses Al Gore of 'Environmental Slave Profiteering' - Christian Newswire

DALLAS,  March 12, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- Critical of Obama's green energy policies, Harvard Biologist and Blogger, Jonathan L. Gal accuses Al Gore and other green energy venture capitalists of trying to profit from biased energy policies that leave average Americans enslaved by high pump prices for gasoline and other transportation fuels. He advocates for Newt Gingrich and the "$2.50 Gas" policy that will open up domestic oil resources, increase supplies, and lower pump prices to $2.50, or less.

Fisker's Private Fundraisers Face SEC Investigation: 'SEC has notified brokers who raised most of private financing for taxpayer-backed electric automaker Fisker Automotive...' | Climate Depot

The New Nostradamus of the North: New York University professor: Humans should be genetically engineered to combat global warming

George Orwell could not have said it better! Welcome, Brave New World of eco-loonies!

Engineering Humans » Climate Resistance

Whimsies such as pondering ‘I wonder if it is right to subject people to biological modifications to suit my political ambitions’ once had little or no application outside the stuffy old ethics corridor in the philosophy faculty.

As Gas Prices Climb, President Obama Continues To Give Silly Energy Speeches

President Barack Obama’s slide into daffy irrelevance continued this week. In yet another speech on what he’s doing to lower gas prices, the President proposed raising the federal subsidy for buying an electric vehicle from $7,500 to $10,000.  And instead of a tax credit, the President wants to give electric vehicle buyers the $10,000 up front at time of purchase.

This should get the cost-to-buyer of new Teslas and Fiskers below $100,000. Dozens or even scores of new electric cars will no doubt be zooming out of showrooms if the Congress enacts President Obama’s proposal.  And low-to-middle income Americans struggling to fill their tanks with $3.75 gas can take satisfaction knowing that their tax dollars are doing so much good.

Suck It Dry: A Modest Proposal

So I encourage my enviro friends to take a different tack – they should be encouraging oil production!  As much as possible!  The faster we suck the Earth dry, the faster we will transfer to “alternative” fuels (of course, by then, they won’t be alternative, but never mind) or revert to an agrarian existence, either of which would placate the environmentalists’ implacable heart.

What I’m saying is this – if green activists really cared about the Earth, they would ditch their Volts and solar panels and get on board with Big Oil.

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